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The solution for US medical system (ZT)

发表于 2010-3-27 03:48 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This is a post by AmericanPatriot on WSJ MarketWatch. A lot of american know the problem and know how to solve the problem. But WST don't want to listen to them, and the puppet MainStreet cannot listen to them.
http://www.marketwatch.com/story ... at-steep-2010-03-25

1) Educate 4 times as many doctors as we are presently educating.

2) Regulate medical procedure costs which are presently running as high as $160,000 per hour (example: 15 minute pacemaker replacement on outpatient basis is billed to Medicare at a cost in excess of $40,000)

3) Regulate hospital charges which are being billed at rates as high as $10,000 per day or more

4) Scrap Medicare Part D entirely and instead put in the VA model for drug pricing where drugs are provided at a negotiated rate of only 7% of the present retail prices for drugs

5) Turn hospitals back into at least 90% NON-PROFIT entities (which was the case 40 years ago) from the present 90% FOR-PROFIT entities they are

6) Set a national fair-price schedule for all medical charges

7) Eliminate any and all medical services from being accessible to all ILLEGAL immigrants, except truly dire emergencies

8) Educate and train 4 times as many registered nurses and other classifications of nurses and make their services broadly available at much lower costs than at present throughout communities

9) Eliminate the massive bureaucracies that exist within the medical industry and mandate simplified billing without itemized code charges with strict daily and procedure limits on broad categories of services which will eliminate $100 per aspirin tablet charges and $50 per box tissue charges and a myriad of other egregious add-on charges to bills

10) Eliminate lawsuits for torts based on any medical procedure and set up strict arbitration requirements and very low limits for any damages, and instead of allowing large settlements and extremely high malpractice charges against physicians, instead monitor physicians and other heath personnel for major serious legitimate complains and remove them for practicing on other patients if there is verifiable incompetency (malpractice)

11) Prohibit the use of Emergency rooms for non-emergency medical matters

12) Establish low-cost community health clinics around the country staffed with the much greater supply of doctors and nurses as a result of educating many more and use these in lieu of hospitals for many procedures which now utilize ultra-high cost hospitalization at for-profit hospitals.

MEDICAL EXPENSES ARE WAY TOO HIGH AND ANY EFFECTIVE REFORM NEEDS TO LOWER THEM DRAMATICALLY TO BRING THEM IN LINE WITH WHAT PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY AFFORD as opposed to increasing them enormously. The HEINOUS HEALTH HEIST just increases medical expenses massively with additional costs that will exceed $2 trillion over the next 10 years even by the low-ball estimates of the White House Actuary.




发表于 2010-3-27 07:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
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