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[基础分析] Obama Moves to Restrict Big Banks

发表于 2010-1-21 07:02 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Economic Recovery Advisory Board Chair Paul Volcker (left) looks on as President Barack Obama outlines his proposals to regulate large U.S. banks.

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama proposed Thursday new rules designed to restrict the size and activities of the U.S.'s biggest banks, the latest in a series of administration moves to curb Wall Street.
"Never again will the American taxpayer be held hostage by a bank that is too big to fail," Mr. Obama said Thursday.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... mod=WSJ_newsreel_us
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-21 07:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
Who is Paul Volcker? 有兴趣请看下文。           http://www.366club.com/users/2630/article/16309.html

前Fed主席出山 辅佐奥巴马
1岁高龄的前美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)主席保罗·沃克尔(Paul Volcker)得到了第二次塑造自己传奇的机会,与比自己年轻30多岁的准总统一起共事。
在深受全球金融危机影响的总统选战中,沃克尔以奥巴马(Barack Obama)顶级经济顾问的身份露面。两人之间日渐紧密的联系令双方均获益匪浅。
Associated Press
奥巴马竞选阵营的人说,沃克尔使奥巴马显得更有分量也更可信,还为他提供了应对经济危机的主意和办法。持供应经济学观点的共和党人约翰·塔姆尼(John Tamny)说,有沃克尔在奥巴马耳边絮叨,连共和党人也会觉得安心,因为他是保守派中的偶像人物,而且强势美元的支持者。

沃克尔周二将首次与奥巴马一同出席竞选活动。一位竞选顾问说,沃克尔将在佛罗里达州的Lake Worth与选民进行圆桌讨论会,给出他对当前经济和信贷市场状况的看法,以及需要采取什么措施加以应对。沃克尔在上世纪80年代任职Fed期间以开会时以说话嘟嘟囔囔著称,资深的Fed观察人士都认为他去扮演政治角色发表演说会很有意思。

对沃克尔来说,与奥巴马拉上关系会洗雪他任Fed 主席时的名声。总是咬着雪茄的沃克尔在1979至1987年间任Fed主席,他因推高利率、将美国拖入大萧条以来最严重的衰退而饱受批评。但沃克尔也同样因遏制了当时失控的通胀而闻名。他对解除金融领域监管的风险提出的警告已经显示出预见性,他的声名近几个月也因此大涨。与此同时,他的继任者的名声却蒙上了阴影。格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)目前正受到责难,人们认为他任Fed主席期间所奉行的低利率和解除监管的理论促成了当前的危机。


奥巴马的竞选顾问说,二人的关系还在继续发展。一开始,奥巴马通过他的经济顾问、39岁的芝加哥大学教授古尔斯比(Austan Goolsbee)来征询沃克尔及其他外界人士的建议。但从今年3月贝尔斯登公司(Bear Stearns Cos.)崩溃起直到现在,奥巴马经常直接与沃克尔就金融危机的复杂问题以及可能的解决方案进行交流。正如一位助手所说的那样,他们已经成为“合作者”。

比如说,当美国财政部出台计划,欲建立7,000亿美元的救助基金收购不良资产时,奥巴马很快就根据沃克尔的建议对其表示支持。与其他著名经济学家一样,沃克尔也早就提出对银行资本结构进行调整。根据这一建议,奥巴马在与美国财长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)频频进行的电话会议中提出直接向银行注资实现控股。这个想法最初被鲍尔森拒绝,但最终于上周由财政部提出,以期让银行重新开始向企业和同业提供贷款和拆借。


奥巴马的经济顾问团队中有两位前任财长,鲁宾(Robert Rubin)和萨默斯(Lawrence Summers),在有些决策上,沃克尔并非占绝对优势。举例来说,奥巴马最新提出的600亿美元经济刺激计划最开始就遭到沃克尔反对,后者的依据是美国人已经消费过度。此外,沃克尔也不太可能在奥巴马组建的政府中担任长期职位。

Associated Press
但奥巴马的竞选助手表示,目前以及大选最后阶段,奥巴马越来越依赖沃克尔。奥巴马手下的工作人员现在定期与沃克尔一起研究政策提案和发言稿。奥巴马经济团队的会议常常改期,以迎合沃克尔的日程。奥巴马经济顾问班子负责人弗尔曼(Jason Furman)说,在讨论金融危机时,奥巴马最关心的问题是,沃克尔是怎么想的?


上周进行的最后一场总统竞选辩论中,在共和党总统候选人麦凯恩(John McCain)对奥巴马与何人结交提出质疑后,奥巴马说,让我告诉你我都和谁结交吧,在经济政策上,我和巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和Fed前主席沃克尔有联系……他们塑造了我的主张,并将在白宫里围绕在我的周围。




在担任一家小型专门投行的董事长一段时间后,沃克尔基本上避开加入任何华尔街公司。他在洛克菲勒中心设了自己的办公室,为公司和政府提供咨询。他还做过几家公司的董事,比如美国联航(UAL Corp.)、Prudential Insurance Co. of America和雀巢公司(Nestl口 SA)。他参与了一些调查委员会的工作,包括联合国委员会对“石油换食品计划”中腐败问题的调查,以及瑞士各银行发起的确定二战纳粹大屠杀死难者帐户的调查。

奥巴马和沃克尔之间的关系始于一次晚宴邀请。2007年6月,奥巴马的早期支持者、纽约私人资本运营公司Centerbridge Partners的创始人之一马克·盖洛格里(Mark Gallogly)邀请十几位金融高管和奥巴马见面,其中包括高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)总裁科恩(Gary Cohn)、美林(Merrill Lynch & Co.)总裁弗莱明(Greg Fleming),还有沃克尔。


在国会山一家酒店的包间里,盖洛格里将沃克尔的座位安排在奥巴马的对面,当时外界普遍认为奥巴马在民主党初选中战胜希拉里(Hillary Clinton)的机会不大。当天深夜乘飞机返回纽约时,沃克尔对这些人说,奥巴马真地给他留下了深刻印象。


2007 年夏末,古尔斯比与沃克尔开始进行定期讨论。他把沃克尔的某些想法融入到了奥巴马的政策主张中,包括他早期对房市低迷将滚雪球一样变成更大的金融危机的担忧。2007年9月在纳斯达克的演讲上,奥巴马预测说,由于监管疏漏以及不良操作令公众怀疑公司的财务报告,市场将受到信心危机的强烈冲击。


2008 年1月初,当希拉里正在猛烈抨击奥巴马缺乏经验和声望时,奥巴马打电话给沃克尔,希望获得他的支持。(当时,股神巴菲特已经拒绝在民主党两位候选人中选择一位,他说无论谁获得提名他都会支持。)沃克尔这位通常避免介入党派政治的民主党元老同意了,并且亲笔写了一份声明。

6月份奥巴马如期成为民主党总统候选人,而经济成为总统竞选的中心话题时,他又重新开始了与沃克尔的讨论。古尔斯比会收到奥巴马的旅行助手莱夫(Reggie Love)或是高级策略师艾克斯罗德(David Axelrod)发来的电子邮件,里面写道,奥巴马想打电话给沃克尔,他的电话号码是多少来着?

在过去的两个月中,金融危机接二连三,随着7月份联邦政府出手救助抵押贷款保险巨头房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac),危机发展进一步加速。随着次级抵押贷款和高风险抵押贷款信用互换蔓延开来,进而可能颠覆其他金融机构,奥巴马下令召开经济小组紧急会议,有十几位顾问参加了会议,其中就有沃克尔和巴菲特。

Monica Langley
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-21 07:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
再送一个Obama'S top economic advisor video. Pretty funny.

http://www.politico.com/singleti ... p;bctid=42909361001
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-1-21 07:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-1-21 07:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
Meh, Obama's Big Announcement Was Just A Baby Step

Today, President Obama finally took meaningful action toward financial reform, apparently prodded by his disaster in Massachusetts. Heck, if the Democrats cannot retain Teddy’s seat, there is no safe refuge. The Republicans and Tea Partiers will take the next election in a landslide unless Obama changes course, and fast.

Briefly, here is what he announced. Government spent a huge bundle trying to rescue Wall Street, and while that was distasteful, it was necessary, for otherwise the economy would have slipped into a second great depression. The financial system is now stronger than it was when he took office, but Wall Street continues to engage in its antisocial practices, Hoovering all the nation’s profits, paying huge bonuses, and trading rather than lending.

According to Obama, the root of the problem is that these institutions take advantage of their government guarantees (deposit insurance and bail-outs when things go bad) to gamble with house money. He says the root of the crisis was that these government-protected institutions engaged in proprietary trading and created their own hedge funds and private equity firms. The access to insured deposits gave them low cost funds with which they took huge risks at taxpayer expense. Further, they have sent an army of lobbyists to Washington to prevent financial reform. Hence, he proposes a new “Volcker Rule” that would prohibit these regulated financial institutions from operating hedge funds, private equity funds, or proprietary trading. And the government will prevent further consolidation of the financial sector.

The reforms sound good. It is always too easy to criticize reform for not going far enough. However, the nature of this proposal seems to indicate that Obama still does not understand the scope of the problem. Let me provide what I believe to be more than mere quibbles:

1. The financial bail-out was not needed and would do nothing to prevent another great depression. We had a liquidity crisis that could have been resolved in the normal way, through lending by the Fed without limit, to all financial institutions, and without collateral. That is how you end a liquidity crisis. But that has nothing to do with the Paulson/Rubin/Geithner plans that variously bought bad assets, injected capital, and provided guarantees — in an amount estimated above $20 trillion. None of that was necessary and none of it prevented collapse of the economic system. Banks are still massively insolvent. If we wanted to leave insolvent institutions open, all we had to do was to use forbearance. And, in truth, that is the only reason they are still open for business.

2. And of course, none of that had any benefit at all for Main Street. Indeed, we could have closed down the top 20 banks (responsible for almost all of the mess) with no impact on the economy. The only thing that has helped was the fiscal stimulus package. That will soon run out, and although it helped it was far too small. Obama has zero chance of getting more money for Main Street unless he can convince Congress and the public that he has changed his ways. The reforms he has announced fall short.

3. The financial system is not healthier today. Indeed, it is much more dangerous. The Bush and Obama administrations reacted to the crisis by encouraging and subsidizing consolidation of the sector in the hands of gargantuan and dangerously insolvent institutions. The sector is essentially run by a handful of rapacious institutions that have made out like bandits because of the crisis: Goldman, JP Morgan, Citi, Chase and Bank of America. All of these are systemically dangerous. All should be closed. Today.

4. Yes, the lobbyists are a problem. What do you expect when you operate a revolving door between Wall Street and the administration? Goldman essentially runs the Treasury. The lobbyists are in Washington to meet with their former colleagues, and to oil that revolving door. There is only one solution: ban all former employees of the financial sector from government employment (including roles as advisors), and prohibit all government employees from ever working for a Wall Street firm.

5. It is not enough to subject banks to the requirements of the Volcker Rule. Any institution that has access to the Fed and to the FDIC should be prohibited from making ANY KINDS OF TRADES. They should make loans, and purchase securities, and then hold them. (An exception can be made for government debt.) They should perform underwriting and due diligence to ensure that the assets they hold meet appropriate standards of risk. And then they should bear all the risk through maturity of the assets. They should not be allowed to offload assets, much less to short assets that they sell, while knowing they are trash (Goldman’s favorite strategy). They should not be able to hedge risks through derivatives. They should not be allowed to purchase credit default “insurance” to protect themselves. They should not be allowed to move risk off balance sheet. They should not be involved in equities markets. Any behemoth that does not like these conditions can hand back its bank charter and become an unprotected financial institution. Those that retain their charters will be treated as public-private partnerships, which is what banks are. They put up $5 of their own money, then gamble with $95 of government (guaranteed) money. The only public purpose they serve is underwriting-and that only works if they hold all the risks.

6. Obama ignores fraud. It is rampant in the financial sector. Indeed, it has no doubt increased since the crisis. Where do you think all of those record profits come from? It is a massive control fraud, based on Ponzi (or Bernie Madoff) schemes. This must be investigated. Fraudulent institutions must be shut down. Management must be prosecuted and jailed. Only if Obama is willing to take on fraud will we know that he really is about hope and change. He has got to start with the Rubin, Geithner and Summers team. Fire them, then investigate them. That is change I can believe in-and an end to “business as usual”, as Obama put it.
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