发表于 2009-4-14 10:43 AM
>>> 分红应能拿到吧
0.01/share, you have to hold C until the end of this month. You can double check its history data from http://finance.yahoo.com/mo.
>>从消息面上来说(见我上次的分析),JPM应该beat, 而且JPM一直经营比其他银行好,其他银行能>>beat,JPM照理应该能Beat, 股市和赌博差不多,赌JPM beat应该是大概率时间(60%),赌赢了30%的>> 收获应该会有的。
Before you gamble it, do some homework for it.
Right now JPM is 32.60, 32.60 X 130% = 42.38. This is your target. JPM's resistance points are 34.00 (9/18/08 low, 10/10/08 low, now become resistance), 37.5~37.70 (11/13/08 resistance, 12/08/08 top) and 42.50~ 42.55 ( 11/05/08 top). Last thursday gap between 29.67 and 30.20 is not filled. From 03/06/09 at 14.95 and 03/09/06 at 15.05 JPM has kept up to yeaterday at 34.14 for one month and seldom takes a break. You have to think over the ration of risk/return - fill gap then fly to your target OR fly to your taget then come back to fill gap then fly again OR fly to your taget then down OR can not fly to your target then down.
I have JPM long positions and I feel if JPM hits 37.50~37.70, it probably pulls back to fill that gap and support at approixmate 28.00 (12/2008 support) or 27.50~ 27.97 (02/2009 high).
Hopefully my post is helpful to you. Good luck to your trading |