本帖最后由 ysc 于 2019-12-30 10:41 AM 编辑
有奖竞猜下周( 12/30/2019 to 1/3/2020)每一个交易日SPX收盘价 (based on yahoo finance)的 涨, 跌, 平。 (982948)
请在 周一 (12/30/2019) 3:00 AM EST之前投票. 过期无效. 投票期限之后, 才可以看到其他人的投票.
同一人发多帖, 以有效期限內最后一帖为准.
Wednesday 1/1 Market close
示例: 涨跌X涨涨 or 涨跌X涨涨, ...
五日涨跌全猜中者每人奖励 888 胡币 。
连续第二个星期全猜中者每人奖励 1888 胡币 。
连续第三个星期全猜中者每人奖励 2888 胡币 。
以此列推 ...
欢迎大家踊跃参加!奖励参加, 沒猜中者 每人100胡币.
12/27/2019 涨跌X涨涨 Winner: xinxing (2nd time of 2019)
源济 (4th time of 2019)
tcm328pan (6th time of 2019)
12/20/2019 涨涨跌涨涨 Winner: None
12/13/2019 跌跌涨涨涨 Winner: None
12/06/2019 跌跌涨涨涨 Winner: None
11/29/2019 涨涨涨X跌 Winner: 秋雨 (7th time of 2019)
11/22/2019 涨跌跌跌涨 Winner: None
11/15/2019 跌涨涨涨涨 Winner: None
11/08/2019 涨跌涨涨涨 Winner: None
11/01/2019 涨跌涨跌涨 Winner: QQQ? (2nd time of 2019)
10/25/2019 涨跌涨涨涨 winner: None
10/18/2019 跌涨跌涨跌 Elephant (3rd time of 2019)
10/11/2019 跌跌涨涨跌 winner: None
10/04/2019 涨跌跌涨涨 Winner: Bencat (2nd time of 2019)
09/27/2019 跌跌涨跌跌 Winner: None
09/20/2019 跌涨涨涨跌 Winner: tcm328pan (5th time of 2019)
09/13/2019 跌涨涨涨跌 Winner: 秋雨 (6th time of 2019)
09/06/2019 X跌涨涨涨 Winner: tcm328pan (4th time of 2019)
08/30/2019 涨跌涨涨涨 Winner: None
08/23/2019 涨跌涨跌跌 Winner: ysc
08/16/2019 跌涨跌涨涨 Winner: None
08/09/2019 跌涨涨涨跌 Winner: tcm328pan (3rd time of 2019)
08/02/2019 跌跌跌跌跌 Winner: None
07/26/2019 涨涨涨跌涨 Winner: Elephant (2nd time of 2019), bokchoy888 (3rd time of 2019);
07/19/2019 涨跌跌涨跌 Winner: 秋雨 (5th time of 2019)
07/12/2019 跌涨涨涨涨 Winner: None
07/05/2019 涨涨涨X跌 Winner: bokchoy888 (2nd time of 2019), tcm328pan (2nd time of 2019)
06/28/2019 跌跌跌涨涨 Winner: None
06/21/2019 涨涨涨涨跌 Winner: None
06/14/2019 涨跌跌涨跌 Winner: 秋雨 (4th time of 2019)
06/07/2019 跌涨涨涨涨 Winner: xinxing
05/31/2019 X跌跌涨跌 Winner: None
05/24/2019 跌涨跌跌涨 Winner: None
05/17/2019 跌涨涨涨跌 Winner: None
05/06/2019 跌跌跌跌涨 Winner: None
05/06/2019 涨涨跌跌涨 Winner: 源济 (3rd time of 2019)
04/26/2019 涨涨跌跌涨 Winner: None
04/19/2019 跌涨跌涨涨 Winner: None
04/12/2019 涨跌涨涨涨 Winner: None
04/05/2019 涨涨涨涨涨 Winner: None
03/29/2019 跌涨跌涨涨 Winner: ranchgirl
03/22/2019 涨跌跌涨跌 Winner: 源济 (2nd time of 2019); 秋雨 (3rd time of 2019)
03/15/2019 涨涨涨跌涨 Winner: bokchoy888; 源济; 秋雨 (2nd time of 2019)
03/08/2019 跌跌跌跌跌 Winner: None
03/01/2019 涨跌跌跌涨 Winner: None
02/22/2019 X涨涨跌涨 Winner: Bencat
02/15/2019 涨涨涨跌涨 Winner: None
02/08/2019 涨涨跌跌涨 Winner: None
02/01/2019 跌跌涨涨涨 Winner: Elephant
01/25/2019 X跌涨涨涨 Winner: None
01/18/2019 跌涨涨涨涨 Winner: None
01/11/2019 涨涨涨涨跌 Winner: None
01/04/2019 涨X涨跌涨 Winner: tcm328pan; 秋雨; QQQ?; coexist
2018 Winners:
4 times: QQQ?, acoust
3 times: ysc, tcm328pan, 林中行, 秋雨, 我是谁
2 times: 源济, 九天, Elephant, Bencat, 坚强的蛋炒饭
1 timer: oldwolf
2018 result: http://www.hutong9.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=405957
2017 Winners:
9 times: Bencat
4 times: 九天
3 times: QQQ?
2 times: 我是谁, Elephant, 盈透阿狗, fzfz , coexist, rightonmoney, ysc ,lakeFJ, higherhigh
1 time: 源济, surf, mojideheng, oldwolf, RespectRisk, coexist, acoust
2017 result: http://www.hutong9.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=380582 |