The Barometer dropped 5.00 to 1.20 yesterday, forth lowest level reached in the history of this indicator. After the Barometer dropped to 0.20 in July 2002, the S&P 500 Index gained 24.4% during the next two months. After the Barometer dropped to 1.00 in November 2008, the S&P 500 Index gained 24.4% during the next two months. After the Barometer dropped to 0.40 in August 2011, the S&P 500 Index advanced 11.8% during the next month. A word of caution! Lows set by the S&P 500 Index on those dates subsequently were broken on the downside. The ultimate lows for the cycle (e.g. March 2009) were set several months later. The bottom line: Play the trade on the upside that could last until spring, but expect the lows set midday yesterday to be tested in 2019.
Following are charts showing S&P 500 performance during the periods indicated: