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[医药健康新闻] 左撇子更可能患有精神障碍性疾病

发表于 2013-11-2 06:45 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


长期以来研究者们研究了优势手与大脑各个方面的关联。今天SAGE Open杂志刊出了一项新研究,研究发现,在精神病患者当中,左撇子更可能患有精神疾病,如精神分裂症或情感障碍。 “结果显示相比于有心境症状如抑郁,或双相情感障碍的患者,精神疾病患者如精神分裂症和情感分裂性精神障碍,左利手的人明显要多。”文章中写道。Jadon R. Webb等看了在某个低收入城市社区内的精神病门诊就诊的107名患者,确定了不同类型精神病患者左利手的发生率。他们发现情感障碍患者如抑郁症或双相障碍,其中有11%的人是左撇子,这与整个人群的平均发生率相似,然而,精神分裂症或情感分裂性精神障碍的患者当中却有40%的患者是左撇子。作者还讨论了其他的相关因素可能导致左利手与精神分裂症存在关联,如大脑侧化的差异,学习成绩及种族。“我们的数据显示患精神疾病的白种人相比于黑种人更可能是左撇子,”文章写道。“即使校正了种族差异,精神障碍和心境障碍患者的左利手的发生率仍有很大的差异。”
 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-2 06:46 AM | 显示全部楼层

Study looks at left-handedness and psychosis

Researchers have long studied the connections between hand dominance and different aspects of the human brain. A new study out today in SAGE Open finds that among those with mental illnesses, left-handers are more likely to suffer from psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia than mood disorders.

"Our results show a strikingly higher prevalence of left-handedness among patients presenting with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, compared to patients presenting for mood symptoms such as depression or bipolar disorder," wrote the authors.

Authors Jadon R. Webb, et. al examined 107 individuals from a public psychiatric clinic seeking treatment in an urban, low-income community and determined the frequency of left-handedness within the group of patients identified with different types of mental disorders. They found that 11% of those diagnosed with mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder were left-handed, which is similar to the rate in the general population, however, 40% of those with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were left-handed.

The authors discussed additional factors that might be tied to the connection between schizophrenia and left-handedness such the variation of brain lateralization, scholastic achievement or race.

"Our own data showed that whites with psychotic illness were more likely to be left-handed than black patients," the authors wrote. "Even after controlling for this, however, a large difference between psychotic and mood disorder patients remained."
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