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[医药健康新闻] 与左撇子或右撇子有关的基因已被明确

发表于 2013-9-14 02:18 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




William Brandler是一名在牛津大学MRC功能基因组单元的博士生,他解释到:“这个基因参与了一个生物过程,通过这个过程,早期胚胎从一个圆球形的细胞持续发育并变成一种不断生长的具有确定左侧和右侧的生命体。




圣安德鲁斯大学的 Silvia Paracchini医生领导的研究团队有兴趣了解哪个基因影响到用手的习惯 ,以获得对用手习惯的原因和进化深入的理解。





虽然这个团队已经确定参与建立胚胎发育中左侧右侧的基因,但是William Brandler警示,这个结果不能完全的解释人类中看到的用手习惯的多样性。他说:“像所有人类的各方面行为一样,自然和养育携手并进。用手习惯的形成源自于基因、环境的混合作用,而文化压力确定了用右手的习惯。”
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-14 02:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
Genes Linked to Being Right Or Left-Handed Identified
A genetic study has identified a biological process that influences whether we are right handed or left handed.

Scientists at the Universities of Oxford, St Andrews, Bristol and the Max Plank Institute in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, found correlations between handedness and a network of genes involved in establishing left-right asymmetry in developing embryos.

'The genes are involved in the biological process through which an early embryo moves on from being a round ball of cells and becomes a growing organism with an established left and right side,' explained first author William Brandler, a PhD student in the MRC Functional Genomics Unit at Oxford University.

The researchers suggest that the genes may also help establish left-right differences in the brain, which in turn influences handedness.

They report their findings in the open-access journal PLOS Genetics.

Humans are the only species to show such a strong bias in handedness, with around 90% of people being right-handed. The cause of this bias remains largely a mystery.

The researchers, led by Dr Silvia Paracchini at the University of St Andrews, were interested in understanding which genes might have an influence on handedness, in order to gain an insight into the causes and evolution of handedness.

The team carried out a genome-wide association study to identify any common gene variants that might correlate with which hand people prefer using.

The most strongly associated, statistically significant variant with handedness is located in the gene PCSK6, which is involved in the early establishment of left and right in the growing embryo.

The researchers then made full use of knowledge from previous studies of what PCSK6 and similar genes do in mice to reveal more about the biological processes involved.

Disrupting PCSK6 in mice causes 'left-right asymmetry' defects, such as abnormal positioning of organs in the body. They might have a heart and stomach on the right and their liver on the left, for example.

The researchers found that variants in other genes known to cause left-right defects when disrupted in mice were more likely to be associated with relative hand skill than you would expect by chance.

While the team has identified a role for genes involved in establishing left from right in embryo development, William Brandler cautioned that these results do not completely explain the variation in handedness seen among humans. He said: 'As with all aspects of human behaviour, nature and nurture go hand-in-hand. The development of handedness derives from a mixture of genes, environment, and cultural pressure to conform to right-handedness.'
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