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Halloween Decorating Ideas For the Home - ZT

发表于 2011-9-16 08:23 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Halloween is that time of year when the mood turns festive for children of all ages, and everyone looks for new Halloween decorating ideas to usher in the fun. Halloween décor should always reach for the unexpected, so this year, decorate your home for Halloween with shades of gray trimmed with black. Sprinkle with bright punches of squash yellow, cream or infectious green to conjure up images of witches and candy corn as effectively as the familiar black and orange mainstays. As always, corn shocks and pumpkins are still a natural for Halloween decorating, lending themselves well to the ambiance of the holiday.

Your Home’s Entry Should be the Main Focus for Displaying Halloween Decor

Decorate your home for Halloween by concentrating details around the front door, for the more unexpected features that are found here, the greater excitement your home will have for little ghouls, witches and Jasons. Children are thrilled to see the creeping vestiges of Halloween's coming with imaginations soaring of bags laden with candy. So if you are searching for a different theme to decorate your home for Halloween this year, try a Davy Jone’s Locker approach, with filthy shreds of tattered sails, open treasure chests brimming with plastic jewels, and candy coins wrapped in foil.

For a creepy Halloween decorating idea, tack several cardboard skeletons on a wall wearing tattered clothes, dirty headscarves, and eye patches. Imprison your “pirates” at the ankle and wrist with shackles and chains made of foil. Drape your “prisoners” with cobweb filaments and add plastic spiders in unexpected places. Plastic rats on a wooden barrel nearby can add to the realism, particularly if seen fighting over a dismembered hand. If decorating the front porch, make sure to add soft spotlights, so your “torture chamber” is visible to passers-by.

Continue Halloween décor into the entry, allowing plenty of space for guests to step inside the door without tripping over decorating items. Invest in several wooden dowels 36 “ long and 1/4 inch in diameter, some black acrylic spray paint, fishing line, and a cheap package or two of cheese cloth from the local hardware store. These are the ingredients to make “sails” to hang from hooks located in the ceiling.

Cut fishing line in 3, 4, and 5 foot lengths, then tie the ends of each length to opposite ends of a dowel painted black, and secure knots with superglue. This allows the dowels to be hung from the hooks at various heights. Spread the cheesecloth out on newspapers in a well-ventilated area and spray paint the cheesecloth around the edges, and in a splotchy, criss-cross fashion down its length to make it look really dirty. Once dry, cut slits in the cloth in several places along its length, then loosely arrange the swathes of cheesecloth over the dowels, and from dowel to dowel, to give the effect of ripped sails. Add random loops of black cord to suggest lengths of broken rope




发表于 2011-9-16 11:25 AM | 显示全部楼层
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