发表于 2010-5-27 09:34 AM
谢谢, 碰到专家了。 再请教一下, light crude和heavy crude的区别?为什么light crude比heavy cru ...
ypm968 发表于 2010-5-27 11:00
The crude oils properties, light and sweet, refers to their physical properties. Light crude has a higher API gravity while heavy crude has a lower gravity. They are actually thin and thick fluids. The term “sweet” refers to the lower amount of sulfur in the crude. Many US refineries seek sweet crude due to the refineries processing ability to handle sulfur. Gasoline and diesel fuel sulfur levels have been moving toward lower sulfur content, requiring more treatment at the refinery. Refineries that handle sour crude do so at an elevated cost. The sour crude oils are sold at a discount versus the sweet crude oils. |