发表于 2011-5-19 09:27 AM
yaobooyao 发表于 2011-5-19 09:25 
还有,拆线顺序是- 负极,正极;安装顺序是- 正极,负极 ...
First, I know nothing about lexus, well, but all car share the same design anyway.
one of your window auto-up/down function is already not working which means part of the "car memory" is lost. I guess only "car memory" still there is the radio station memories. So in this case, I would completely disconnected the battery(since you replacing battery then you are doing so), and reset radio startion, time, date / re-initialize all windows, sunroof.
After replacing the battery, perform the window initialization at the MAIN window switch block, and do one window at a time ( if you reset more than one window at a time, you may burn the fuse, and most window fuse is 20- 25 amps,)
1) turn the ignition on, engine off
2) fully close the window, you may need to pull the switch few times since the memory is lost.
3) when window is fully close, pull up the switch and hold for at lease 2 second. (to set the up stop limit)
4) fully open the window, push down the switch and hold for at lease 2 second. ( to set the down stop limit)
5) check the auto-up/down function, if operation normal, then go to next window. if not, repeat the initialization one time time.
6) after initialization had been done for twice, window operation still not restore, then performed a battery reset (disconnect battery negative cable for 10 mins), try to re-initialize again. Still not working, have to bring to the dealer.
For the sunroof, press and hold the "tilt up" and the sunroof will run a full close and open cycle to complete its self-relearning process. (remember, keep holding the switch till the cycle is complete)
Good luck. |