发表于 2012-5-30 10:34 PM
本帖最后由 bucks 于 2012-5-31 06:51 编辑
回复 snowrider 的帖子
got it, just read the post "敢问路在何方:市场要大跌?"on HT by 顺其自然, and then figured out who 'A huang" is.
I joined Laoda's club very early on, but had been following anonymously without realizing it. After reading those comments, checked the settings on the blog, and turned my subscirption visible as a support.
Admire Laoda's sense and discipline. I am ok with detecting market direction and smelling turnaround, but terrible on being disciplined on my own signals and risk management. Still long long way to go.
My current job is getting me bored to..... Any advice or suggestions on trading to make a living?