本帖最后由 poohbear 于 2010-4-6 00:11 编辑
回复 41# abaqus
这次很被动, 迟迟不能得手, 比去年九月, 十月, 今年一月放空都艰难, 被顶牛了.
today CPCE = 0.43 & ISEE = 276 历史第3高, both reach extreme level ,
it means in 3~5 days , it will has a short term 比较象样的回调, (if no another CPCE extrem value happen these days).
ZT----I cried wolf around March 9th when the ISEE All Equities number hit 253, which at the time was the highest reading going back to October 2007. The market didn’t blink an eye. Will the market greet this latest reading of 276 with the same aplomb? It may. October 8th, 2007, the day the ISEE reading hit 279, was a Monday and the market began to give hints of trouble by the following Wednesday and then seemingly sealed the deal by the following Thursday. If the market has reached a level of unsustainable optimism and exuberance, then I think we should know by this coming Thursday. If the market does not give hints of weakness by then, then throw the ISEE reading on the junk heap with the rest of the stuff that should play a factor in signaling pull backs but has so far failed.

Chart courtesy of StockCharts.com
