发表于 2011-3-10 06:22 PM
回复 21# bucks
I didn't want to give you a short/dry answer, because suffering/disaster/pain is apparently not a simple topic. Also, human's understanding of the truth is usually based on certain personal experiences - in this case, my life is not rich enough to reflect the truth about suffering.
The book is about human suffering in general, including natural disasters and pain, etc. The author had suffered more than average person since her young age, so her perspective is certainly more touching than a canned answer.
But, if you insist, here is my simple understanding of the matter (I pretty much agree with what Coolmax said, by the way): God created a perfect world, and He gave human (Adam and Eve) free will. Human abused their free will and sinned (mis-alignment with God's principles). The universe (including earth) was thrown out of balance by human sin. Disaster is what follows with a messed-up universe. |