本帖最后由 多吉 于 2009-6-10 20:44 编辑
靠,还真把自己当牛人了? you can say LEA either way, if it is done, you can say
told you not chase high wait for pull back. I know yoru trick.
by the way, LEA and AXL were recommended long time by lazycat on chuxue's site,
msot people entered at 1.2 or 1.1 there, me also.
not like you, msot MHP. enjoy your fooling with frogs. ..
TokyoAF 发表于 2009-6-10 05:50 PM
要是你真的认为我都是mhp,那您巴巴的回帖问我new target price干哈?我的LEA exit price,您就这么关心?
130# 多吉
what is your new targed price? I followed you in yesterdy at 1.5
and out with you at 2.35, back in at 2$.... exit price? thanks.
TokyoAF 发表于 2009-6-10 04:56 PM