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美加州近海发生强烈地震 一些人轻伤2.5万户停电

发表于 2010-1-10 01:46 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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2010年01月10日 14:17 来源:中国新闻网



  中新网1月10日电综合外电报道,美国加利福尼亚州北部近海当地时间9日下午4点27分(北京时间10日上午8点27分)发生强烈地震,地震造成一些人受轻伤,没有人死亡。地震导致当地一些电线杆、交通信号灯跌落,一些居民家中的水管、煤气管及下水道破裂。地震并造成2.5万户居民家中停电。震源位于加州尤里卡西南方约25 英里的太平洋海域。美国气象局并未发出海啸警告。




  震中附近城市尤里卡(Eureka)及周边社区政府没有发布人员伤亡的报告。但是尤里卡消防部门发言人波德(Gary Bird)透露,有几个人在该市购物中心被震碎的玻璃割伤或擦伤。

  美国太平洋天然气与电力公司发言人古伊迪(J.D. Guidi)表示,胡姆博尔特(Humboldt)县的大部分地区因地震停电,影响大约2.5万户居民的生活。他表示,公司正在评估损失状况并积极抢修,希望能在明天全面恢复供电。

  胡姆博尔特县政府紧急中心女发言人瓦特勒(Jo Wattle)表示,该县一些交通信号灯被震落地面,很多居民报告家里的水管、煤气管及下水道破裂。



发表于 2010-1-10 02:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
6.5 quake shakes buildings on California coast
By GARANCE BURKE and ANDREW DALTON, Associated Press Writers Garance Burke And Andrew Dalton, Associated Press Writers 8 mins ago

FRESNO, Calif – A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck off the coast of Northern California Saturday afternoon, shaking buildings, knocking out power in several coastal communities and leaving a trail of broken windows and dishes south of the Oregon border.

The powerful quake hit at about 4:27 p.m. PST about 22 miles from Ferndale, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Authorities in the nearby city of Eureka and other area communities said no major injuries have been reported. But several people received minor cuts and scrapes from broken glass at the Bayshore Mall in Eureka, and an elderly person fell and broke a hip, authorities said.

"We're mostly getting reports of bumps, bruises and hits on the head," said Laurie Watson Stone, a spokeswoman for St. Joseph Hospital, a 146-bed hospital in Eureka. "The emergency room is busy, but we haven't heard of any major injuries."

Amanda Nichols, a dispatcher for Eureka Police Department, said she received a report that an infant was struck in the head with some flying debris at the mall.

Pacific Gas & Electric Co. spokesman J.D. Guidi said power outages were widespread across most of Humboldt County, affecting about 25,000 customers.

Nearly 10,000 remained without power some five hours after the quake, and some could remain without power through Sunday, said PG&E spokeswoman Janna Morris.

No damage was done to the company's former nuclear power plant outside Eureka, Morris said.

Several traffic lights fell and numerous residents reported water, gas and sewer leaks, Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services spokeswoman Jo Wattle said.

"People have chimneys down, and we're hearing about minor property damage and lots of glassware broken," Wattle said. "People are really shaken up. It was shaking pretty good, then it had a big jolt to it at the end."

According to the USGS, the quake hit at a depth of nearly 10 miles. At least nine aftershocks of magnitude-3.0 or above followed in the hours after the quake, the biggest registering at 6:21 p.m. PST at a magnitude of 4.5.

Police in Ferndale said the earthquake caused stucco to fall off City Hall and broke shop windows, strewing the historic downtown streets with glass shards.

"I thought a tire had blown off my truck because it was so hard to keep control of the vehicle," Officer Lindsey Frank said. "Power lines were swaying, and I could see people in the fields trying to keep their balance."

Eureka city spokesman Gary Bird said because the earthquake hit shortly before dark, only the city's old town received thorough surveys for damage. Authorities there found fallen bricks and parapets that had fallen off old structures, causing damage to adjacent buildings, he said.

"There are some frayed nerves, but I think we've come through this pretty well for the magnitude of earthquake we've had," Bird said.

Televisions tumbled and objects were knocked off walls in Arcata, a small town that's home to Humboldt State University, one resident said.

"The whole town is kind of freaked out right now," said Judd Starks, the kitchen manager at a bar and restaurant known as The Alibi. "All the power is out, people are out walking around."

The quake was felt as far south as Capitola in central California, and as far north as central Oregon, USGS geophysicist Richard Buckmaster said.

It struck about 270 miles north of San Francisco in an area where earthquakes ranging from 7.0 to 7.3 have struck periodically since the 1800s, causing damage and injuries. In 1964 a tsunami generated by a great 9.2-magnitude earthquake near Anchorage, Alaska, washed away 11 people in Crescent City, 80 miles to the north of Arcata.

There is a small chance — 5 to 10 percent — of another magnitude-6.5 temblor or larger hitting the area over the next week, but the odds dramatically decrease as time passes, the USGS said.

There's also a 78 percent chance of a strong and potentially damaging aftershock magnitude-5 or larger over the same period. The earthquake probabilities are based on statistical observations of past earthquakes in California and are not predictions, the USGS said.

California is one of the world's most seismically active regions. More than 300 faults crisscross the state, which sits atop two of Earth's major tectonic plates, the Pacific and North American plates. About 10,000 quakes each year rattle Southern California alone, although most of them are too small to be felt.

The damage created by an earthquake depends greatly on where it hits. A 7.1 quake — much stronger than Saturday's 6.5 temblor — hit the Mojave Desert in 1999 but caused only a few injuries and no deaths.

By contrast the 1994 Northridge earthquake under Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley was magnitude 6.7. It killed 72 people, injured more than 9,000 and caused $25 billion in damage in the metropolitan area. And the magnitude-7.1 quake in October 1989 struck just before the third game of the World Series at Candlestick Park. The quake, centered in the Santa Cruz Mountains on the San Andreas fault, caused nearly $3 billion in damage.

Dan Bowermaster of San Francisco was with relatives in Eureka when Saturday's quake hit, moving the refrigerator in his cousins' home about 3 feet. He said he had been in several moderate and large quakes throughout California but had never felt anything as strong as this one.

"It was extremely unsettling, it was shaking in kind of a circular way," he said.

Sandra Hall, owner of Antiques and Goodies in Eureka, said furniture fell over, nearly all her lamps broke and the handful of customers in her store got a big scare. She said it was the most dramatic quake in the 30 years the store has been open.

"We'll be having a sale on broken china for those who like to do mosaics," she said.


Dalton reported from Los Angeles. Associated Press writers Alicia Chang in Los Angeles and Bob Christie in Phoenix contributed to this report.
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发表于 2010-1-10 02:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
2012 is approaching
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2010-1-10 02:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
2012 is approaching
ppteam 发表于 2010-1-10 03:23

草民们离攒够15亿欧元还很遥远,除非政府给主动发这个“ 船票”(通过政策或者通货膨胀)。
不知道有没有保险公司推出“15亿欧船票”这个险种 (能为通货膨胀买保险就好了
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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