look at MAN, which had good earning, but sell off started at the same day, -10% now.
others who miss the expectation, like Hypo Real Estate, Infinion, Conergy, Carl Zeiss, Balda, were discussed like crap. even BOE cut rate cannot cheer the market up.
yesterday I did a small bottom fish, and cut loss with -1% (include transaction fee, total is 40 Euro loss), because I couldn't sleep well.
I am afraid some day I bought a stock and hit by a bad news. I decided to have a break now, until the VIX is higher than 35. I also hand out my TAN list to my husband.
next time, if I want to buy stocks again, i will buy big company's stock, so that I am not worried it cannot survive bear market.
As an indicator, maybe you guys can buy now, because small investors (like I) are scared. best chance