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加华人入乡随俗 过圣诞购礼送物 能用公式算出来

发表于 2012-12-21 10:36 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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加华人入乡随俗 过圣诞购礼送物 能用公式算出来

加拿大华人过圣诞入乡随俗 购礼物送亲友表心意

z638.jpg 12月25日,是西方社会的传统节日圣诞节。传说中,圣诞老人会驾乘驯鹿拉的雪橇在圣诞节前夜从烟囱钻进屋内,偷偷在好孩子床头的圣诞袜里放进节日礼物。于是,每年的圣诞节便成为孩子们最期盼、最开心的节日。每年的圣诞季,也成为全球商家想方设法促成商机的购物旺季

加拿大华人过圣诞入乡随俗 购礼物送亲友表心意

  加拿大《星岛日报》报道,据民调公司Iposos Reid所展开一项消费者调查结果显示,加拿大人今年圣诞节平均前往商场购物5次,可他们却大都不热衷这类“血拼”(shopping)活动。而年轻人表示会网上选购礼物的,就接近四分之三。








来源: 中国新闻网2010年12月09日 15:04:19  


    Formula for the perfect Christmas toy – calculator required

    圣诞节即将到来,很多父母都开始为给孩子挑选一份完美的圣诞礼物而发愁。英国心理学家克利夫?阿诺尔最近创制了一个完美玩具计算公式,通过量化玩具价值,帮助家长找到“完美”玩具。阿诺尔把玩具对孩子的作用归纳为“玩乐价值”,计算公式为:“玩乐价值”=T x L + Pi + Po + Cr + S + U + H /。其中,Pi代表该玩具在孩子独自玩耍时的有用程度;Po为与他人一起玩耍时的有用程度;Cr是玩具对创造力的启发程度;S代表玩具对社交能力的开发;U 为实用性;H为玩具是否可以传给其他兄弟姐妹们玩;T为预计孩子定期玩玩具的时间(小时为单位);L代表孩子被该玩具吸引的总共时长(以月为单位);C代表玩具价格。

    A psychologist has come up with a formula for parents struggling to find the perfect toy for their children this Christmas.

    Dr Cliff Arnall, who has previously come up with calculations for the happiest and most depressing day of the year, reckons that mathematics can be used to work out the "play value" of potential purchases.

    But parents hoping for a simple formula to help them make wise decisions in the toyshop had better not be in a hurry and might have to bring a calculator with them.

    The result is also likely to be different for different children, he admits.

    Parents first have to assess the toy against six criteria: its usefulness when playing alone (Pi); playing with others (Po); whether it fosters creativity (Cr); its value promoting social interaction (S); its general utility (U) and finally whether it can be handed down to siblings (H).

    Parents must give the toy a score out of five for each and add them up.

    In a separate sum, then they must estimate the amount of time in hours a child will play with the toy regularly (T) and multiply it by how many months it is likely to remain of interest (L).

    The two figures must then be divided by the square root of the cost (C) and added to the total score from the criteria section.

    Simple? For those who did not quite follow, it works out as: T x L + Pi + Po + Cr + S + U + H / square root of C

    "A toy may score higher for one child than another but that's an important part of the exercise," said Dr Arnall.

来源: 新华网综合 2010年03月24日 10:05:46

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