中国台湾,有很多文章,说basil 九层塔致癌,闹得一时沸沸扬扬。下面一段,很有意思,此话不是完全空穴来风,但是您需要每天吃一吨 basil 来达到致癌剂量。
The German Commission E advised caution in the use of basil because of the estragole in its essential oil might cause cancer, but later testing indicated that an increased risk of cancer would only occur in persons who ate approximately 1,000 kilograms (over a ton) of the herb daily, a finding so impossible as to suggest the Commission's precaution was completely unwarranted. Nonetheless, the safety of the herb has not been established for pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children under six.
这和已经平反的50年糖精致癌冤案有点类似之处。。。 |