发表于 2011-7-23 06:29 AM
A leaf falls on loneliness ----- E. E. Cummings (1958)
http://allpoetry.com/poem/849411 ... ss_-by-e_e_cummings
(ZT) I believe the poem is about a relationship where two people come together in the first line and live life as a couple till one dies near the end. Here is my proof: In the first line we see the "1" and the "a" being 'joined' by the beginning bracket. Brackets are used to group things or ideas together. (Cummings also used grouping brackets near the end of "grasshopper" to separate words of a sentence.) get it? The letters fall down the page as a couple, paired together until the ending bracket.(death) The first time we see a 'word' is the line just after the one with the ending bracket. The word "one" appears. The line just after that is where we find the one and only line with a single character. A "1" Both lines represent singularity. Now look up a few lines where the "11" appears. Two singular symbols for 'one' placed next to each other on the line with white space above and below for emphasis. This is symbolic of a couple. Also, ask why does a leaf fall? Leaves fall when they die. Where does it fall from? Leaves fall from trees. Trees are symbolic of life. "Family tree" or "tree of life" and so on. The loneliness outside the brackets represents the feelings of the one left behind. And the final line of the poem is read as 'one-ness', again singular. BTW- "la" and "le" on the first two lines are also singular in French and other foreign languages. -=Eric=- l(a le af fa ll s) one l iness