无论是文学著作,还是通俗作品,翻译的水平直接影响着观者的体验。好的翻译不仅能尽可能传达原作者的意思,甚至可以激发新的思想体验。 今天知乎答主分享了一些让人亮瞎眼的「神翻译」,一起体会语言的奥妙。 原来国际上最权威的中文版小星星不是我们流传最广的那一种。Twinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyWhen the blazing sun is goneWhen he nothing shines uponThen you show your little lightTwinkle, twinkle, all the nightHe could not see which way to goIf you did not twinkle soIn the dark blue sky you keepAnd often through my curtains peepFor you never shut your eyeTill the sun is in the skyAs your bright and tiny sparkLights the traveller in the darkThough I know not what you areTwinkle, twinkle, little star莫过于被誉为「诗译英法唯一人」的许渊冲先生翻译的中国古诗词,他的很多作品称之为「神翻译」都一点不为过。A good young man is wooing初读前四句就不禁拍案叫绝,一三句押韵,二四句押韵,多读几遍越读越有味道。Water flows left and rightOf cress long here, short thereThe youth yearns day and night同样是一三句,二四句押韵,左右翻成 left and right ,寤寐指醒和睡,翻译成 day and night,工整对仗简直完美。The sun beyond the mountain glowsThe Yellow River seawards flowsYou can enjoy a great sightBy climbing to a greater height自许渊冲先生在《毛主席诗词四十二首》英法文格律体译文的序言中首次提出了诗词翻译的「三美」论以来,他就一直在自己的译作中践行着这个原则。所谓「三美」,即意美,音美,形美,许先生在这首诗的翻译中做到这三者的结合,不是单个句子的翻译,而是将诗的审美意境整体再现。同时,glow 与 flow,sight 与 height 的韵也让读者百读不厌。Before my bed a pool of lightI wonder if it's frost agroundLooking up, I find the moon brightBowing, In homesickness I'm drowned一三,二四句韵脚相押,/t/和/d/的尾音爆破让人读起来很舒服。月光如水,乡愁如水,团圆的意味就翻出来了。I look for what I miss; I know not what it is. I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer.How hard is it to keep me fit in this lingering cold!Hardly warmed up by cup on cup of wine so dry. Oh! How could I endure at dusk the drift of wind so swift?It breaks my heart, alas! To see the wild geese pass, for they are my acquaintances of old.The ground is covered with yellow flowers faded and fallen in showers. Who will pick them up now?Sitting alone at the window how could I but quicken the pace of darkness which won’t thicken?On parasol-trees a fine rain drizzles as twilight grizzles.Oh! What can I do with a grief beyond belief!这首诗的音韵美自然不必多说。原词首句七对叠词的运用有着汉语的天然优势,如果直译为「search search seek seek」就大失原味,怎么翻译才能做到表意的同时兼具形式美,先生想到了「 so+adj 」的三对平行结构,完美再现了女词人内心的凄苦悲凉。「三杯两盏」中的「三」「两」本是虚词,用「 cup on cup 」我觉得译文全词的点睛之笔就在于「憔悴损」这三字的翻译「 faded and fallen in shower 」把静态事物描写成落英缤纷的动态场面,给人以无限遐想。In me the tiger sniffs the rose. |