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发表于 2009-4-22 11:35 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

        •  A postive ER season will help the uptrend launched before [大千股坛] - HIchinese(51 bytes ) (120 reads)2009-04-22
        •  ....my poor old bull friend!! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (6 reads)2009-04-22
        •  the quality of uptrend is much better than the bounces in [大千股坛] - HIchinese(26 bytes ) (41 reads)2009-04-22
        •  we will see market top this summer compared to [大千股坛] - HIchinese(32 bytes ) (172 reads)2009-04-22
        •  This time the uptrend will at least last to this summer!! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (8 reads)2009-04-22
        •  most of posts on top is misleading!! Throw them away! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(4 bytes ) (42 reads)2009-04-22
        •  Sorry! ...I moved to DC last year. [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (6 reads)2009-04-22
        •  I come here every, but no post, still living in SF? [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (5 reads)2009-04-22
        •  say hi to my old friend.. [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (4 reads)2009-04-22
        •  My view on market direction ....no certainty yet!! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(334 bytes ) (289 reads)2009-04-22
        •  He is really a lovely boy I only met in DQ. His story [大千股坛] - HIchinese(153 bytes ) (197 reads)2008-12-25
        •  http://stockcharts.com/charts/gallery.html?$NYMO [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (251 reads)2008-12-25
        •  大势指标推荐$NYMO , 最近比VIX,NDSI管用。 小散 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(34 bytes ) (372 reads)2008-12-25
        •  今年小散被花街折腾得够厉害, 俺就别添乱, 炒股很 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(81 bytes ) (118 reads)2008-12-25
        •  nulll 兄获得很好!。。今日同乐!! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (5 reads)2008-12-25
        •  2007年前的ID可否顶一下? 但愿大家都还活着!!! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (16 reads)2008-12-25
        •  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All my old [大千股坛] - HIchinese(65 bytes ) (121 reads)2008-12-25
        •  。。。更喜欢之前那个ID,。。节日同乐!! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (5 reads)2008-12-25
        •  星期一的大跌 使MACD开口变缓, SRI更扎实。 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (110 reads)2008-12-05
        •  RSI [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (15 reads)2008-12-05
        •  3大整数的RSI贴近50, 牛市一触即发也可熊市临头! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (33 reads)2008-12-05
        •  猪市持股(非高位) 不太危险, 就怕MM弄假成真。 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (13 reads)2008-12-05
        •  久崩的弹簧迟早要弹一下的 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (6 reads)2008-12-05
        •  已经下载完毕,多谢! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (4 reads)2008-12-05
        •  好象不可以, 刚给你发QQH请求。 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (9 reads)2008-12-05
        •  雪弟好, 多时没有和你打招呼了!问候一下! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (5 reads)2008-12-05
        •  潜水的时候多些! 上面的书有LINK 吗? 多谢! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (8 reads)2008-12-05
        •  3大指数技术指标形成牛市背离,空头得小心呀,并且 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(146 bytes ) (686 reads)2008-12-05
        •  大选,感恩节如此这般,圣诞-元旦可能也不例外! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (12 reads)2008-12-05
        •  看TA,技术指标的趋势比点位更可靠, 熊不得不去考虑。 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (11 reads)2008-12-05
        •  如果在800-900区间震荡。。嘿嘿。。熊更得小心!积蓄 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(19 bytes ) (53 reads)2008-12-05
        •  日线1-2个月的长度反应的趋势比较可靠。大牛市看周线 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (9 reads)2008-12-05
        •  DOW破8000是我的止损线。没有买领涨股。 留一手。 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (11 reads)2008-12-05
        •  Feel sad and many thanks for what you have done! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(30 bytes ) (11 reads)2008-11-07
        •  这波涨势产生一个DOW 9000,NZ 1600的支撑.反弹还未结束 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (26 reads)2008-11-05
        •  看图说话:股票正在突破下降趋势压力线.. [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (28 reads)2008-11-05
        •  大盘沿一个数周的趋势走, MM在相反的方向做足操盘技巧. [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (18 reads)2008-11-05
        •  2个月前用FA预测没有错, 现在就不一样,反弹刚开始!! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (27 reads)2008-11-05
        •  大盘跌不下来..只是回调...现在是交易市,不是FA市. [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (79 reads)2008-11-05
        •  最近的大势 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(1361 bytes ) (2896 reads)2008-11-02
        •  中国的股市可能会迎来新的变更....如果依照目前"和谐" [大千股坛] - HIchinese(11 bytes ) (162 reads)2008-11-02
        •  波浪理论是本人最喜欢也最成功用于大盘趋势分析的TA工具. [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (26 reads)2008-11-02
        •  个人理解的波浪理论的精华:1) 把一段时间股市的波动做为 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(113 bytes ) (155 reads)2008-11-02
        •  量与涨很多时候没有关系, 尤其是人人都在想有关系的时候. [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (14 reads)2008-10-13
        •  进步满快D! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (23 reads)2008-10-13
        •  老千兄好!!!CA的阳光好晒不..? [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (11 reads)2008-10-13
        •  继续逼空或振荡做底部都有可能.破位不太可能. [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (30 reads)2008-10-13
        •  最近的大势 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(796 bytes ) (1079 reads)2008-10-13
        •  这个..这个..还真不好说...大选前不破底,一笔糊涂帐,谁 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(13 bytes ) (122 reads)2008-09-19
        •  大势展望 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(1308 bytes ) (2984 reads)2008-09-19
        •  川妹好! 如果是重复1-3月份的盘底,可能会..大熊市底在 [大千股坛] - HIchinese(28 bytes ) (307 reads)2008-09-19
        •  very short-term touching a new low not far from yesterday [大千股坛] - HIchinese(22 bytes ) (174 reads)2008-09-18
        •  AND prepare for a middle-term uptrend in near future! [大千股坛] - HIchinese(0 bytes ) (10 reads)2008-09-18
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-22 11:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
2008/11/02, 2008/11/05
2008/12/05, 2008/12/25
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-22 11:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-4-22 11:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-4-22 11:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-4-22 11:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
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回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-4-22 11:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-4-22 11:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
I should add more shorts if I knew this.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-4-23 12:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
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回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-4-23 12:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2009-4-23 12:26 AM | 显示全部楼层
2 niu le!
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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