1. 睡在客厅(Fall asleep in the front room)
2. 有自己专属座位(They have a chair)
3. 跳老派的舞蹈(Dad dancing)
4. 待在车库很久(Spend time in the shed)
5. 开只有自己觉得有趣的玩笑(Making awful jokes that only they find funny)
6. 不识前40名艺术家(Don’t know any artists in the top 40)
7. 如厕时间变长(Spending longer on the toilet)
8. 关心现在温度几度(Keeping an eye on the thermostat)
9. 看到家电打折特卖很开心(Excited about appliance sales)
10. 觉得揶揄家中年轻成员很好玩(Embarrassing younger members of the family or children and thinking it’s funny)