红枫国际(Canada Maple International Inc)是北美最具实力的加拿大移民服务机构之一(美国境内唯一),过去十多年来已为逾万F1、H1、J1、L1的身份持有者成功申请加拿大移民来Back-Up他们在美国的身份。在过去每次新政策出台的名额争抢中都成绩卓著,最终都能为客户争取到相当大比例的名额。我们有十多年办案的丰富经验和对移民政策的深入透彻理解,因此我们知道如何帮助客户最有效地准备合格的文件以便在最短时间内递交申请,并保证申请最终被批准。
0211 Engineering managers
1112 Financial and investment analysts
2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers
2131 Civil engineers
2132 Mechanical engineers
2134 Chemical engineers
2143 Mining engineers
2144 Geological engineers
2145 Petroleum engineers
2146 Aerospace engineers
2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers/designers)
2154 Land surveyors
2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers
2243 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
2263 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety
3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
3142 Physiotherapists
3143 Occupational Therapists
3211 Medical laboratory technologists
3212 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
3214 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
3215 Medical radiation technologists
3216 Medical sonographers
3217 Cardiology technicians and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists.