发表于 2011-7-31 10:08 PM
coolboy对这个课题刚好有过系统深入的研究。实际情况应该是倒过来,哈哈。老婆是天使or巫婆,那是天生就定的。并且那男人娶的到底是天使or巫婆也多半是靠运气。天使or巫婆的女人是无法改变的。相反,男人的习惯和行为是可以由经女人改变和塑造的。“每一个成功的男人背后都有一个女人”说的也就是男人是可塑造的。我的结论则是:“It is very hard for men and it is impossible for women to change their habits. Often, it is not due to the lack of love but due to the lack of power.”
Is love powerful?
- On appearance and daily life habit
Different people usually have different appearances and different daily life habits. It is interesting to examine whether there is a relationship between one’s appearance and his/her daily life habit. Unmarried people often have the following misconception on this issue: (1) a person with a good appearance must also have a good life habit; (2) if a person with a good appearance happens to have a tiny bad habit, the other party believes that he/she is surely able to change it after getting married. The unmarried people usually have this kind of misconception because they strongly believe in the power of love.
An even more interesting case is that a person believes that he/she can adjust his/her own habit to accommodate the other party due to the power of love. All these lead to a common practice by young people in our society that an unmarried person always first tries his/her best to find a friend with a good appearance before establishing a possible love relationship. I recently heard a touching statement in a song, saying: “I do not mind changing for you”. I do believe that the statement would be sung from the bottom of one’s heart when he/she was singing it. However, I believe it is probably an unscientific statement though it carries a very good intention. People’s habits can be easily hidden for a short or a long while but cannot be easily changed. It is very hard or impossible for people to change their daily life habits. It is very hard for men and it is impossible for women to change their habits. Often, it is not due to the lack of love but due to the lack of power.